Conversation Around The Table // Cultural Bias


Alright friends, I'm SO pumped to share all about this special dinner we had last Saturday!

Firstly, one of my favorite things about At The Lane (and one of the main reasons I started it) is encouraging people in their dream. Whether it's their dream career, side hustle, or just something they are passionate about, I want At The Lane to be a place that helps encourage them to share it with the world! So when my friend Tori Schaulis launched her Build Bridges Not Walls Work Guide I knew this was the perfect opportunity to collaborate. At The Lane took care of the food, registration, location, decor and set-up for the evening and Tori provided the conversation through prompts and her work guide curriculum, beautiful conversation cards from Lumitory, and clipboards with notepads and a worksheet for each attendee. It was so fun teaming up together and putting this event on. We are already dreaming up more!

Secondly, I am ALL about At The Lane having different event series. I think it's one of the best ways to create consistent community! We already have one series of events called the "3 Things Gathering" that we LOVE, and I'm excited to have "Conversation Around The Table" join our event series roster! With these events I hope we can collaborate with people who have something they are passionate about sharing with others. Whether it's their job or passion project, or just a topic they want to educate others on, my hope is we can work together to facilitate a conversation about it around the table. To create a safe and inviting space to have authentic conversation and share in a meal together. 

And lastly this dinner was so special because frankly, it was just important. The conversation surrounding race and cultural bias is so relevant with everything going on in our world today, and to be able to sit around the table and discuss it with strangers without judgment? Well that is just a BEAUTIFUL thing. I'm so thankful this has become Tori's heart to start these conversations! If you would like to reach out to her about starting a conversation like this with your community, contact her HERE.

We had ladies of all different races and backgrounds start the night as strangers, share struggles, ask questions, vulnerably tell their stories, and end the night as friends. We ALL learned something. There was no judgments, but instead lots of laughter, tears and warmed hearts. We found ways to relate to each other (#royalwedding) and to respectfully listen. And that my friends is how the magic of community is born.

I think this world needs more nights where strangers listen to each other. More opportunities to sit around a table and share a meal together. As Tori says, the table is an equalizer. We all come to the table hungry! And all the ladies at this dinner came to the table hungry to learn. Hungry to hear stories and ask questions. And so that's exactly what we did.

Plus we ate donuts too ;)

Katie Brown