Plaid Potluck Dinner Party - Texas


Y’all!! We held our first gathering outside of Los Angeles!

For our first time out of state we decided to bring At The Lane home to Fort Worth Texas :) Although we had forgotten how hot Texas can be (even in October……….) it was an amazing night we won’t soon forget.

Despite said heat, we tried our hardest to make fall happen at this gathering. And from what we hear, it worked because the following weekend it was a cool 72 degrees! To bring our fall dreams to life, we went plaid-tastic everywhere we could. We cut the plaid pockets out of thrift store shirts, covered chargers in plaid fabric, had plaid blankets and scarves on the backs of chairs and even tied a plaid shirt around the drink bucket.

Our guests hit it out of the plaid park with varying plaid outfits and some even decorated the food they brought in plaid arrangements! And truly, they were all such troopers for rocking the plaid in that heat. They also left the night with copies of Granny’s Apple Dip recipe and fall scented sachets, obviously wrapped in plaid. We started off by sharing our dream fall day and then answering deeper fall themed questions. At dessert each guest answered vulnerable and thought provoking questions we are still thinking about today!

This night was especially meaningful as every guest has supported both me and At The Lane since it began. They have offered kind words and encouragement every step of the way and I honestly couldn’t have done any of this without them. We had women around the table who have known me since I was born, since kindergarten and since college, and getting to have them all around the table was more magical than I could have ever imagined.

To be completely honest with you, I started At The Lane after growing up surrounded by each of these women. In Texas, dinner parties are the norm and getting to intentionally know your neighbor is much more common than it is in LA. So getting to throw an intentional dinner party for the very people who have shown me what inviting people around the table looks like, was both intimidating and an honor.

We can’t wait to bring more intentional gatherings to Texas (and other cities/states!!) but this one will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Katie Brown